Globe Hopper: Desiree talks politics!, the first website to bring the uncompromising reports of Desiree Crossman, girlfriend of Suzuki star John 'Hopper' Hopkins, to the motorsport world, presents her latest report where she highlights differences between her US homeland and the couple's Austrian base in Europe...


Globe Hopper: Desiree talks politics!, the first website to bring the uncompromising reports of Desiree Crossman, girlfriend of Suzuki star John 'Hopper' Hopkins, to the motorsport world, presents her latest report where she highlights differences between her US homeland and the couple's Austrian base in Europe...


"John and I travel around quite a bit, obviously, and we see things that would never happen in the states. I'm proud to be American, but there are times where I think, "damn, our government is screwed!"

"They say we have freedom, and for the most part we do, but I honestly believe there is more freedom given in other parts of the world then there is at home.

"John and I would often say to each other or other people, "If that was in the states..." And mind you, we live in California, I don't know much about other states. I know all states have laws, others are safer, etc... But here in Austria we find some things amazing.

"Last year, there was a bus stop near our village and it had a bike sitting there without no lock... for a week! Never once got stolen. We counted the days it sat there and it was a full week. No protection.

"How often can you leave your car running outside a market (in the US) with your wallet on the dash?

"I don't know about other places, but are you allowed to advertise a huge party, on your car without having the cops on your ass?

"How often (in the US) do you see teens out all night and being able to walk home at 5 or 6 am in the morning after partying, drinking, and/or at a carnival without getting harassed by cops? Girls walking alone? Really?

"When you go into a mini mart or gas station, do you see bottles of liquor, all sorts of alcohol easily accessible to kids under the age of 18 or 21? Cases of it?

"Going to a bar, do you see people averaging between the ages of 15 and 30 yrs old, staying out until morning and then hopping into 1 of 20 taxis to go home?

"How often do you see people in the US drinking at 8am, then going about their day, without considering them an alcoholic?

"Can you ever leave anything outside without ever worrying about it getting stolen or vandalized?

"Do you ever see other cars moving over to the slow lanes when you're coming up behind them hauling ass in the fast lane? Because it seems people (in the US) like to park it in the fast lane, going the speed limit. Get the hell out of the way! Be considerate.

"How often can you drive on someone's ass without worrying about them slamming on their brakes? It's very common to ride their bumper here (in Austria), 'cause they move over like nothing, unless turning.

"The funny thing about all this is that we see less alcoholics (in Austria), less people causing problems, less accidents, more people being responsible taking taxis home, more people with a normal life, not going out deliberately to get trashed and then vandalize. It seems like we have more problems at home in the US with kids getting out of control than in other places.

"Now, lets say that it's not so good and they do have a high prison rate, and crime rate. However, if we can still do all the things I mentioned and go about the day, then there is a problem at home and maybe the US government are hypocrites.

"Because John and I have full access to alcohol without being carded, and because it's no big deal, we hardly ever drink! A beer with a meal, glass of wine, leaving the car running! I believe the more they say no, the more people want to do it. The more we are sheltered, the more likely when we get older to go to extreme.

"I'm proud to be American, John and I both are. But I think there are more crooks in the US government then there is anywhere I've seen. And for us to be so free, it seems like they take full advantages of taking away our rights. Can I get a witness? Amen brother... :) ha!

"Sorry if it sounds like it's totally dissing the US, I'm not. But I can't figure it out why we are so worried about other countries and their problems when we have our own. Hello! My name is Desiree and I'm running for president! Lower taxes, and world peace. Yeah right BUSH!"


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