Lorenzo: 'Stay indoors and listen to the experts'

Triple MotoGP world champion Jorge Lorenzo has posted a message urging his followers to look after themselves and others in the face of the coronavirus outbreak, by following the advice of experts and staying at home.

'Hi guys,

Lorenzo: 'Stay indoors and listen to the experts'

Triple MotoGP world champion Jorge Lorenzo has posted a message urging his followers to look after themselves and others in the face of the coronavirus outbreak, by following the advice of experts and staying at home.

'Hi guys,

'I was thinking about making a video, but I was always better at writing than transmitting messages to the camera. By circumstance, I am currently in Dubai. Here at the moment the situation is (supposedly) better, but I could just have easily found myself in my house in Lugano or some other Italian or Spanish city.

'As you can see, during these days I am not posting very often, because all this has disturbed my plans and right now it is time to do what is truly important: Taking care of our health and that of others.

'We are experiencing hard times, all this is new for us and due to our initial ignorance in not knowing how to act we have greatly aggravated the situation. However, right now we are no longer so ignorant and we have much more information to make the best decision: Basically, staying at home and only leaving to meet essential needs.

'This is not a joke, life is too valuable for us to not do what we have to do. We have the best example in China, they have taken it very seriously and it seems they are controlling it. Let's do the same! Let's stay home until further notice (from the experts) and everything will be fine.

'A hug to all, Jorge.'

Lorenzo, who retired from full-time competition last year but has since signed up as a Yamaha test rider, is due to make a wild-card entry at his home Barcelona round on June 5-7. The Catalunya event is due to be round four on the revised calendar. 


Hola chicos/as, estaba pensando en hacer un video, pero siempre se me dio mejor escribir que transmitir mensajes a la cmara. Circunstancialmente, en este momento me encuentro en Dubai. Aqu de momento la situacin (supuestamente) esta mejor, pero perfectamente me podra haber encontrado en mi casa de Lugano o en alguna otra ciudad italiana o espaola. Como podis apreciar, durante estos das no estoy posteando con mucha frecuencia, pues todo esto me/nos ha trastocado los planes y ahora mismo toca hacer lo que verdaderamente es importante: Cuidar de nuestra salud y la del prjimo, que en estos casos viene siendo lo mismo. Estamos viviendo momentos duros, todo esto es algo nuevo para nosotros y entre la ignorancia inicial y el no saber como actuar hemos agravado mucho la situacin. Ahora bien, ahora mismo ya no somos tan ignorantes y disponemos de mucha mas informacin para tomar la mejor decisin: Bsicamente quedarnos en casa y tan solo salir para cubrir las necesidades bsicas (siempre siguiendo lo que se nos indica). Esto no es una broma, la vida es muy valiosa para complicrnosla por no hacer lo que tenemos que hacer. Tenemos el mejor ejemplo en China, ellos se lo han tomado de forma muy estricta y parece que lo estn consiguiendo. Hagamos lo mismo! Permanezcamos en casa hasta nueva seal (de los expertos) y todo saldr bien. Un abrazo a todos, Jorge. #coronavirus #yomequedoencasa #iorestoacasa #stayhome @paramounthoteldubai

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