Update on condition of Jack Petrie whose crash caused Isle of Man TT red flag

Jack Petrie remains in hospital after crashing in Supertwin TT

Isle of Man TT
Isle of Man TT

Jack Petrie remains stable in hospital after crashing at the Isle of Man TT.

Petrie crashed at Handley’s in Saturday’s Supertwin race, causing a red flag.

Michael Dunlop went on to win the race, meanwhile Petrie was swiftly confirmed as stable.

Days later, The People’s Bike.com provided an update on the rider.

Their statement was: “Thanks to everyone who has messaged to ask about Jack and to check in with us as a team, it’s very much appreciated.

“Jack is stable and is continuing to receive treatment in Aintree hospital. 

“We will provide further updates as and when it’s appropriate to do so, we hope you all understand.

“We would also like to take this opportunity to pass on our heartfelt thanks to all of the Marshals who were present on Saturday at Jack’s accident. 

“We can’t put into words how grateful we are for everything you did, saying thank you just doesn’t seem enough but we are absolutely in awe of you all. Thank you.”

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