Yamaha and Honda display new aero upgrades in Barcelona

New aero parts pictured up close for Yamaha and Honda

Alex Rins, new front wing, 2024 Catalan MotoGP
Alex Rins, new front wing, 2024 Catalan MotoGP

Yamaha and Honda have used new aero parts on Friday at the Catalunya MotoGP.

The new Yamaha parts, which include a tri-plane front wing, are at the top of this story, and below.

Yamaha aero in Barcelona
Yamaha aero in Barcelona

Yamaha's two riders, Fabio Quartararo and Alex Rins, both used the new aero on Friday in Barcelona.

The two Japanese manufacturers both did a private test at Mugello last week, part of the concessions rules to boost their development.

Honda's aero can be seen below.

Honda aero in Barcelona
Honda aero in Barcelona

LCR Honda's Johann Zarco used the aero on one of his bikes on Friday. Stefan Bradl, the test rider who took part in Friday practice, used the aero on both of his bikes.

Zarco had said about the aero: “The most difficult thing to get this aero, that was good in Mugello, is to prepare many fairings, get all things painted, in just one week.

“I mean it was not planned to have a so good result like this in Mugello. So they did the maximum to get some steps [ready for] here.

“I was happy to feel some differences. I got the bike turning better. Really that was my feeling and with all the analysis that they are doing on the data after the test, they can confirm it.

“So it's on the positive way. It's one thing that I think they can homologate and then see better [how it works] for the rest of the season.

“I'm curious to see if this difference we got will be a big help in the races here.”

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